Mittwoch, 14. November 2012

I love God!

He sends us so many messages that he loves us and reveals his beauty.. daily!

He creates everthing so beautifully.. and that's what he wants to do with your life too. Are you ready for this?

Much blessings, lots of love and kisses to you!


Dienstag, 13. November 2012

Wie versprochen.. etwas spät.. aber hier die Bilder :)

Waiau Falls

Stunning beach @ Coromandel Penensiula

Amazing Cathedral Cove


Hot Water Beach  [Hahei]

Maori :P

Montag, 15. Oktober 2012

the last weeks

Huiii.... der letzte Eintrag is ja auch schon wieder ein Weilchen her.. oh "falsche" Sprache für diesen Blog..

wow.. the time runs.. it's just like I worte something in this Blog two days ago.. but it's almost 3 weeks..
a few things happend in that time ;)

two (or is it only one??) weeks age I saw my first Maori traditional performance.. oh yeah.. that was so much fun.. we were just sitting and waiting in the museum to be picked up.. when these almost naked Maori came and told us to follow them :D

It was so much fun and interesting to see and hear their dancing and singing.. very good!!

This last weekend we headed off to the Coromandel Peninsula.. and we had such a great time there..
We arrived in Coromandel Town ("Town".. haha it's got only 1700 inhabitants) on friday and had a very funny time in a hostel there.. on saturday we went to the Driving Creek Railway and went for a drive with this little train through the rain and wind^^  after that we had a nice coffee break ;) and we went for a walk into a Kauri forest..
so that was kinda lazy saturday..

So sunday was our highlght :) we went to Hahei and visited the Cathedral Cove.. what a beautiful and nice place to be.. fortunately the weather was so good and the sun was shining so we could enjoy our stay there..
after this great impression we went to the Hot Water Beach.. just a few minutes by car.. and that's really great... you have to dig your own pool in the sand.. just beside the cold pacific ocean.. and you will have your own hot pool.. that was a great adventure ;)
we went to that with 7 other people but only three of us were brave enough to dig a pool and jump in it.. that was good fun.. and after we relaxed in our own "spa" we jumped into the ocean to cool down again.. crazy german girls ;)

Yeah.. so that's it..


now the two weeks school holidays are over and today was the first day back in school..=)

Much blessings and <3


P.S. the pics will follow in the next post

Montag, 24. September 2012

like I promised..

pics of the lamb ;) and of our Gingerbread People, we made today xD

See ya!

Sonntag, 23. September 2012

This weekend...

I havn't written for a long time.. I think I have to apologize for that first: SORRY!!

So I just give you a brief overview about the last days..

Yesterday two German AuPairs and I went to Hamilton. We vistited the Hamilton Gardens.. that was ver nice and interessting..

After that we wanted to visit Raglan - a cute, little village. And on our way to Raglan we made a stop at the Bridal Veil Falls.. which were very impressive.

Today was kinda lazy day.. but the highlight was and is our new pet. We've got a 12 months old lamb today, called "Ernie" (like Ernie from Ernie and Bert form the Sesamestreet). And he is sooooo cute and cuddly. I already love him.

So the following pictures will give you a short insight.. and some pics of Ernie will follow tomorrow.

Be blessed <3


Mittwoch, 5. September 2012

Changed plans for the weekend - so I went not to the AuPair Weekend, but had a very good time with my hostfamiliy instead.

Kiwis celebrate Father's Day every year and so we went to my hostdads parents and spent a nice day with them in Katikati.
On the way to Katikati and back home we made a few stops so I could see some "typical Kiwi tourism places".. (you can see it on the pictures below)

Very nice verse for the week ;) :

"Our people must learn to do good by meeting the urgent needs of others; then they will not be unproductive."
~Titus 3,14~

Many greetings from down under

Donnerstag, 30. August 2012

Welcome to New Zealand - Kia Ora

Hello everybody overseas..

Vielleicht muss ich den Namen und den Blog an sich kurz erklären:
Dieser Blog ist dazu da, um euch da draussen auf dem Laufenden zu halten und euch an meinem Jahr in Neuseeland teilhaben zu lassen.
Ich würde euch natürlich viel lieber in "real life" daran teilhaben lassen, aber das scheint wohl etwas schwierig zu werden ;)
Auch nach diesem Jahr habe ich vor weiter zu bloggen, deswegen ist es erstmal ein eher "neutraler" Name für den Blog, hinter dem allerdings mehr steht als zwei schön klingende, englische Worte.

Allein durch Gottes Gnade sind wir angenommen.. nicht durch das, was wir tun oder verdienen.. wir können uns Gnade nicht verdienen.. wir müssen sie annehmen. Und das Tolle ist, es ist genug da.. es hört nicht auf und wir können immer in Gottes Arme laufen. Isn't that beyond amazing?!
Wir sind seine geliebten Kinder und seine Liebe und Gnade hören nicht auf.
Amen!! <3
I'm happy to write that everything is very good going on..
but though I already miss You all very much!!
And I'm looking forward to see and hug you very soon ;)
.. this year seems quite long to me right now, but it will become better, I guess.
It seems to be my next "learning area" to become patient and to practise that.
We are always talking about and praying for becoming more and more like God and becoming kind, lovely and patient.. but when he gives us these situations we feel like "Oh no.. not me. I want to do/get/.. whatever immediately."

Jo, so ist das gerade, hier, am anderen Ende der Welt..
Jetzt geht's gleich los zum AuPair Wochenende nach Snells Beach/ Goat Island.. ich werd euch dann davon berichten ;)

Hier noch ein paar Fotos und welcome to my room <3

Donnerstag, 23. August 2012

plane is ready for departure.. ;)

in 7 Stuuuunden =)

so viel dazu liebe Freunde..

to be continued